We Have MOVED!
We are MOVING! After 25 years at Walmer Park we have found a NEW location to continue serving our book-loving...
We are MOVING! After 25 years at Walmer Park we have found a NEW location to continue serving our book-loving...
212 Main Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, RSA
084 497 9774
Fogarty’s Bookshop was started in 1946 by Basil Fogarty in a basement shop in 59 Main Street (now Govan Mbeki Ave). The bookshop is one of the oldest independent bookshops in South Africa. Fogarty’s is now firmly established in Walmer and serves the book loving public of Port Elizabeth (and the surrounding areas) with all their reading requirements. Ordering and sourcing books has always been one of the services we offer, along with helpful service to our loyal customers.
We are MOVING! After 25 years at Walmer…
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